
Need Parts & Accessories?

Our Parts Department Has You Covered

Your garage door works hard for you through harsh Canadian weather, all day, every day. While Steel-Craft doors are largely hassle-free, regular maintenance and monitoring will help prolong the life of your garage door and prevent accidents. Take a look at your door system – How is the weather stripping holding up? Are the rollers running smoothly along the track? Is there any squeaking? Is there visible wear or damage?

Come visit SC2’s Parts Department, where our technicians will assist you in making the
best choice of replacement parts for your garage door needs.

Our Parts Department is located on the NE side entrance through the gate.

Repairing a few parts might get your door running like new again. However, suppose there is more extensive damage to different parts or multiple garage door system components. In that case, it may be best to replace the whole door system. Replacing garage parts can be dangerous. If you are unsure when or how to replace parts, contact us for a full inspection, service and/or repair by a trained garage door professional.

Commercial & Residential Operators

SC2 offers a full line of commercial and residential operators that provide the highest levels of strength and security.
We currently offer various models from both Nice (Micanan) and LiftMaster.

Contact us for more information or advice on which operator model will suit your needs and your door.